Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The pool idea

We bought our house several years ago. The backyard looked quite big. It was completely empty with nicely planted grass everywhere, and seemed attractive for the kids to play. With time we realized that kids do not use it, and moreover, there is no place to spend good time during summer. With the heat in the area where we live, there is no way you can stay outside of the house under burning sun. Moreover I am used to living in areas where there is a pool. It may be a community pool, but it is there. Where we live now there is no pool in the walking distance, and you need to drive there. No, not good. One more condition that contributed to the pool idea is working from home. Of couse I will not be swimming during the day instead of working, but spending 24/7 in the same place needs some entertainment. Even offices have gyms! So I decided I wanted a pool. My husband was skeptical, but then agreed :) We read a lot about pool projects on internet. It started to be scary. So scary that after talking to several companies and getting bids we put their folders on a shelf and did not touch them for a year. Until... the sun started to shine and the same mood of happiness came back. Finally we have signed the contract and now waiting for the BIG project to kick in. On a side note, it would be unfair to mention that together with the pool a whole bunch of other things need to be done, aka patio and landscaping. And this stuff is so expensive!  But one does not go without the other. So either we do everything or nothing. And we do everything. Fingers crossed!!!

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