Friday, June 17, 2011

Concrete is fixed. Hopefully we can move further.

On Wed, June 15th, concrete crew came to remove the damaged section of the concrete. Yes, they did try to fix the stains by scraping them off, but the result looked ugly, and yes they did try to talk us out of removing the whole section claiming that it was not fair, but we were firm that it was not fair for us to have to go through this fixing process when our patio is not done in a single pour to ensure color and stamp consistency. I am very glad that this arguing did not last for too long and they agreed to do everything to meet our expectations.
On Wed, June 16th, the crew came to re-pour. We are afraid to jinx it, but so far everything looks very good. We will water the fresh section for one week and then the result should become obvious. We already have the baby fence installation scheduled for the next Wednesday. Pool plastering should come right after. And then in 2 weeks the pool should be ready to swim in! Cannot wait, because the weather is getting really hot already.

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