Friday, April 15, 2011

First inspection is passed. Pool structure and water piping are approved

The pool inspection has passed unnoticeable. We did not hear when the inspector was even there. The pool crew came to check/correct some lightening position in the pool and jacuzzi. Mike went over bench sizes for the jacuzzi with us. He even had me sit on a chair to make sure we get the height we will be comfortable with. The next step is pool gunite - a very loud 4-hour long process to make the pool body. It will happen tomorrow.
As I understand, here is the list of what will be happening after:
- After gunite, the pool will stay untouched for a week, and we will have to water it 3 times a day for concrete not to crack.
- Then coping and tile will be put. Again we will have to water everything for a week.
- After that gas and electric will be done followed by inspection.
- Then concrete work around the pool and patio will be done. Again need to water.
- The last phase of the pool will be pool plaster.
- Then we will get to the landscaping.

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