Monday, April 18, 2011

One-day transformation

On Saturday, April 16, as promised, the gunite crew came to make the pool body. We left earlier in the morning not to hear the roar, and it was the right thing to do. When we showed up to pick something from the house, it was loud. Men were walking around the backyard in masks, the pool area was all surrounded by plastic separation not to damage the house windows. The guys were shooting cement through a powerful hose, and the pool was growing under their arms magnificently in minutes. 1, 2, 3 and the Jacuzzi was there! 4,5,6 and the stairs to the pool shaped out. It was an amazing transformation process of wire skeleton growing into something impressively big.
Like always, my hubby went outside and checked the result of the job. He found that a drainage in the hot tub was placed incorrectly. He called Mike who confirmed he was aware and that the plumbing and gunite crews were already scheduled to come back to address it. So far I see that this company does care about the quality of the product they provide, and this makes me feel safe. Fingers crossed...

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