Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pool drawing

Yesterday, April 6th, John and Michael came and drew our pool on the grass. Michael measured everything, then drew the borders using pinkish-orangish spray. First it appeared to be very small to us. Well... 83' perimeter. But then when I started to walk "inside", it did not look that small anymore. A friend of mine has 120' pool, it is definitely much bigger. But 83' is not bad. So the drawing is now supposed to stay there for us to look at it and confirm that we like the shape. Philippe, my husband, has re-measured everything today. Somehow the pool on the grass appeared to be 2' smaller, than it should be. Good catch. I also do not like some curves which looked good on the paper, but do not look good on the grass. So Philippe will re-draw with new lines. Michael called today and said they will be coming tomorrow morning to put borders along the perimeter and then to dig. It should take one day to dig the pool out. Isn't it fast? I also asked if we could get the pool building schedule for a couple weeks ahead of time. But apparently pool projects do not have hard schedules, because all simultaneously running projects depend on each other in terms of equipment and weather. So we basically can know only 1 step ahead. Till now it has not been a problem as everybody is communicating with us very well.

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